Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Semester numero dos

Second semester is going pretty awesome so far. I like that I see 3 out of 4 of my best friends :). But boo for not being in anything with Kristina :(. Grade wise, I will do much better this semester. I have already started doing homework on the day it is assigned. That's a good start. like math, I did Friday's homework on Sunday, Monday's on Monday and Tuesday's just a little while ago. I also did the chem worksheet. I never used to do those. I have a feeling that English is going to be the only thing that kills me. All these stupid projects at the same time. Oh jeeze Mr. Wade.

Today school was good...until I got to band haha stupid Hanerhoff replacement guy. But then after 5th period was over it was all good. I went to Jane Addams with Shannon, Brittany, and Sarah. That was super awesome. I love Ms. Zabinski so much (that was weird that I actually said "Zabinski") I am feeling really great right now (even though that stupid speech is hanging over my head) school is going semi- decent, I am talking to/ seeing my friends a lot. Life's good!


1 comment:

  1. I agree! :) the only thing making me feel sick is english haha. I actually liked doing chem...like i want to do more. is that strange? hahaha
