Friday, April 9, 2010

I'm confused

I just read a huge portion of the bible. I'm not religious and I'm not even sure i believe in god. Hence the lower case "g." He/she/it is not some super power, anytime "he, him, his" is used to take the place of god it is capitalized, unnecessary. Why base your life off of a book? A story. That's what it is. God didn't create stars. It wasn't his decision to have a sun, or planets of make the Earth rotate to create day and night. It wasn't anyone who decided snakes would slither on the ground. This story is describing adaptation. A snake slithers on the ground because it helps them to survive. They hide easier, can hunt their pray with less difficulty. I won't say that the story I read was dumb because that's not true, it is a good story of adaptation but that's all it is, a story. There are so many things missing and questions that I want answered. I found some things that made no sense to me.

Christianity claims that god became physical.The notion of god becoming physical is impossibility. He, who created all of physical existences, is the one being not subject to those laws. God governs all physical matter. To suggest god can become physical and be subject to his own physical laws means that he does not control the universe. A clear contradiction and impossibility.

Jesus died for other peoples' sin.Deuteronomy, 24:16; “There will not be killed fathers for sons (sins, nor) are sons killed for father’s (sins). Each man in his own sin will be killed.”According to this, the theory of the death of Jesus on behalf of others’ sins is contrary to god’s own words.

Those are the two main things that stuck out to me. Expect more to come later.

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